too late to run - risography print


very limited set of A3 riso print in 300gr high quality paper.
part 1/3 of a series of riso prints

they all come signed and numbered

what I wrote about this one:

"If you've been following my stories in February you know how much of myself I poured into this. After a month in quarantine completely paralyzed by fear and not being able to be productive at all, I decided to do this illustration (and 2 other ones, yet to come out). And, as everything else in my life, I went from 0 to 100 in a blink of an eye. Drawing this became an obsession. I woke up before 7, I ate breakfast already working on this and then I would continue to do this non-stop until 9pm. I barely ate or took breaks, I was in complete hyperfocus mode and I loved (almost) every second of this burnout. I poured all my deep emotions, all the trauma, all anxiety and depression, all the abandonment issues into this.
This is the first one of the series, but actually the last one I designed. It speaks of beginnings, of brutal things that are yet to happen, but you can already feel them. You're no longer alone. You feel it breathing down your neck, its weight on top of you and you're almost comforted by it. You convince yourself and others that at least you can feel its warmth and that can only be a good thing, right? That crow is everything and nothing at the same time. It's the mourning you refuse to go through, the lover you had to say goodbye to, the awful job you took and now can't complain about, the sorrow, the exhaustion. It's that thing you think you're avoiding but it's only overpowering you. And when you notice it, it's too late too run 💔
This is for sale at my bigcartel shop, just click the image. It's A3 riso print 300gr high quality paper. Due to Riso Printing nature, each and every one of them is unique and for that reason this is the only ever edition I will ever do. No do overs.
The Riso internally creates a stencil that is laid onto a drum filled with ink which then spins at high speed, forcing the ink through the stencil onto the paper. This process creates a unique textured print that cannot be replicated."