i'm letting you go - risography print


very limited set of A3 riso print in 300gr high quality paper.
part 2/3 of a series of riso prints

they all come signed and numbered

what i wrote about this one:

"This was the first one I designed and the first glimpse of creativity after a month in lockdown. The 🖤's are just because of the censorship on online platforms.
Last year, just before the world turned upside down, I left therapy. Me and my therapist were talking about it for quite a while, but I just didn't feel ready. I was getting breakthrough after breakthrough and I felt things changing, sure. But to actually leave? I wasn't there yet.
She reassured me that the date to leave would come to me and then told me that in her case, she knew it was time when there was a very slight change in a reoccurring dream of hers. And that slight change was what she needed to know it was time.
I brushed it off as nothing like that could ever happen to me.
And then it did. I had my reoccurring dream with someone I lost some years back, but this time I wasn't angry, I wasn't demanding to know what would happen when she was gone. Instead I hugged her and, without asking too many questions and without getting too many answers, I felt the love we had for one another and that was enough. That was the slight change in my reoccurring dream, just a couple of days before my last appointment. I finally accepted that I didn't ask those questions when she was alive because I didn't know how to and she didn't answer them back then because she didn't know how to. We were too overwhelmed, too tired and too much in denial to know how to deal with endings. So I finally forgave myself and forgave her for not being able to do better. I accepted that we did our best and I let her go. I took all my demons, my crows, my screaming banshees and I let them go as the beautiful birds they turned out to be.
And no, it didn't become easy to deal with it, I'm just a bit lighter. Less afraid of demons, more interested in what they tell me instead of running away. ❤️

This is for sale at my bigcartel shop, just click the image. It's A3 riso print 300gr high quality paper.
The Riso internally creates a stencil that is laid onto a drum filled with ink which then spins at high speed, forcing the ink through the stencil onto the paper. This process creates a unique textured print that cannot be replicated.Due to Riso Printing nature, each and every one of them is unique and for that reason this is the only ever edition I will ever do. No do overs.